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Real People, True Stories

Read, Watch and Discover, as they share their stories about the remarkable migration service, they experienced during their journey to migrate permanently to Australia from the Philippines.

April 24, 2024

Overcoming Challenges with Respall towards Australian Dreams

“We started our plan to move in Australia wayback 2020. Initially researched how, but DIY can get so overwhelming with all the papers and forms. I feel anxious of submitting the wrong documents or filling in the wrong information. Then my colleaugue in HP mentioned how Respall helped them move to OZ. I contacted them immediately and have my skills assessed.
Ma’am Jenieca was very accomodating to my queries. All my questions are answered. We know that we can now start anew in the ‘land down under’ so we signed with Respall almost immediately.
However, due to pandemic and many unforeseen circumstances, our plans were put on hold. Year 2022 when we fully decided to pursue that dream since our household is growing and we’re no longer seeing a healthy and progressive environment here.
After 2 years of not contacting Jenieca, I messaged her again and welcomed us in open arms. I am very thankful for her. August 2022, I applied for skills assessment. We took the PTE exam together with my husband on September 2022 while waiting for a positive assessment. Thank God, we’re able to get the best score we can get. With Jenieca’s expertise, she lodged our EOI and ROI last December 2022 in hopes that we’ll get an invite but expects that it will take some time, years in fact, as seen with other applicants. In God’s will and grace, after just a month of lodging, we received and invitation to apply on January 2023. We did our medicals and finally was able to lodge our Visa application on February 8, 2023.
On October 2023, we got feedback from CO requesting additional medical for my daughter who just turned 2 years old last August 2023. We could have done it in an instant but God has better plans. We had the worst timing since the test being requested is currently on hold in all accredited clinics in the Philippines. I’m getting worried during this time since generally we have only 28 days to submit the additional requirement. Luckily, we have Respall. They assured me that they’ll be doing everything they can to appeal our case. Last week of November 2023, finally got the schedule for the long awaited medical exams for both our daughters (including our post lodged newborn). On December 1st, both of them were cleared and the waiting game for further assessment commenced.
Come January 2024, still no grant. I feel like, maybe it’s not yet time, but at the same time kind of worried that our initial medical will expire on February 16, 2024. How I prayed that we get the grant before that because it will be another slash of money to have the medicals again. But God is bigger than my fears. He is so great He hears every silent prayers we say. He is there for every battles that seem to be lost already.
One day before the anniversary of our visa lodgment, we got the good news from our Jenieca. She had me worried with ‘Mam kamusta na po?’ I thought there were problems to our s56 because of the late submission of medical test, but no! She informed us how happy she is that we are granted already.
Thank you God! Thank you Jenieca and much thanks to you Sir Jose Respall for creating this migration team. Kudos to more people you’ll be able to help. Will definitely recommend you guys!”

Eliana Knorell Reyes

Class SN Subclass 190
Software Engineer
Date granted: February 7, 2024


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